NEXUS Console
NMRduino is an affordable magnetic resonance prototyping and learning tool.
Parallel transmission implant safety testbed
Wireless reference implant
8-channel transmit/receive RF coil for 3T
A RF coil with eight TX/RX channels is presented for reproducible pTx method development and/or safety assessments and standardization
Scalable and Modular Rf Coils
An RF coil system consisting of an 8-channel transmit (Tx) and 8-channel receive (Rx) coil arrays for 19F MRI
CoilGen – an Open Source MR Coil Layout Generator
An automated and flexible algorithm for rapid prototyping of new MR gradient and shim coil designs.
MRI Cage Test Set
An open-source 3d printed antenna set for MRI Faraday RF cages attenuation measurements.
MRI distortion phantom
Modular phantom and corresponding software tools to measure distortion in MRI systems
MRI Compatible Wireless Sensors
Taking advantage of IoT technology, this project allows for use of a suite of wireless sensors that can be used inside of the MRI bore safely to capture more information about the patient in and out of the MRI scan.
un0rick: open source pulse echo ultrasound
This project has a specific target of providing a low-cost, open source technological kit to allow scientists, academics, hackers, makers or OSHW fans to hack their way to ultrasound imaging – below 500$ – at home, with no specific equipment required.
Halbach array magnet for in vivo imaging
This project describes the construction of a 27 cm diameter, 50 cm long homogeneous Halbach array magnet. It consists of 23 rings, each with two layers of 12x12x12 permanent magnets. Design files are provided for those wanting to laser cut, CNC mill, or water-jet cut the positions of the magnets.…
ThinWire – MRI Gradient Coil Design
MATLAB tool to design simple geometry gradient coils
LimeSDR Spectrometer
A low‐cost multi‐channel software‐defined radio‐based NMR spectrometer and ultra‐affordable digital pulse programmer
OpenVnmrJ – Open Source variant of VnmrJ 4.2
OpenVnmrJ is the Open Source variant of the highly successful VnmrJ 4.2 acquisition and processing software
This GPA originated from a collaboration with Jason Stockmann (MGH Harvard). The device can drive up to 4 channels with max 10 A. It is controlled via a single SPI galvanically isolated connection that is also used to read information from the current sensors. Sample code for an Arduino is given that…
Anser EMT – the first open-source electromagnetic tracking platform for image-guided interventions
The Anser project provides an open-source implementation for electromagnetic tracking (EMT) with particular application to image-guided interventions. This work provides implementation schematics for an EMT system which relies on low-cost acquisition and demodulation techniques using both National…
Open ForceSense MR
An MR-Compatible force sensor composed of cheap, off-the shelf components.
Gradient Coil Design
A repository that contains many Matlab scripts used to design gradient MR coils.
COSI Transmit – Open source soft- and hardware transmission system for traditional and rotating MR
The spectrometer or software defined radio is capable of producing arbitrary shaped RF-pulses, un-/blanking the RFPA, recording acquired data and controlling a rotating
gradient field. Pulse length, amplitude, readout-length and –delay can be chosen freely.
The RFPA successfully amplied…
Open EIT – Electrical Impedance Tomography
An affordable biomedical imaging system that allows to create images based on the electrical properties of tissues.
32-channel RF receive chain amplifiers
This modular system provides bias tees for first stage RF preamplifiers, second stage amplification, and programmable attenuation for use in MR scanners and other RF signal applications (at least up to several hundred MHz). Accommodates 32 channels and can be extended by daisy-chaining additional…
PyPPM – A proton precession magnetometer
Hardware and software designs that enable performing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments using the Earth’s magnetic field.
OCRA – Open Source Console for Real-Time Acquisition
OCRA stands for Open-source Console for Real-time Acquisition. It is a low-cost, open-source console (hardware controller) for MRI. Conventional MRI consoles may be high cost, closed-source, and inflexible, in that it is not possible to change acquisition parameters once the scan is started. In contrast,…
Structured-light 3D scanner
A 3D Scanner based on structured light and stereo vision.
OpenICE – Medical device interoperability platform
OpenICE is an initiative to create a community implementation of an Integrated Clinical Environment. The initiative encompasses not only software implementation but also an architecture for a wider clinical ecosystem to enable new avenues of clinical research. OpenICE seeks to integrate an inclusive…
ScopeFun – Several lab instruments in one device
Oscilloscope, Waveform Generator, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer and Pattern Generator in one device.
Instructional tabletop MRI scanner
The scanner design is a low-cost resource for demonstrating concepts like magnetic resonance, spatial encoding, and the Fourier transform in an educational setting. A significant part of the system design is open-source.
Hybrid MRI‐Ultrasound scannerless real‐time imaging
This project proposes a hybrid system based on a single‐element ultrasound transducer and an MR scanner to help boost temporal resolution in real‐time MRI.
Pneumatic Phantom for Mimicking Respiration-Induced MRI Artifacts
An MRI compatible phantom that simulates the respiration of a human subject in an automated way. A pressure probe is used in order to communicate in continuous time to Matlab the evolution of the respiratory cycle of the subject.
High Peak/Average Power TR-Switch for Thermal MR
A high‐performance Tx/Rx switch design is presented that supports high peak and high average power applications such as MR imaging, RF heating or thermal MR.
Open Spin Microscopy is an open-source platform to build digital Scanning Light Sheet Microscopes (SPIM/DSLM/OPT).
Syringe Pump Library
Customizable high-quality syringe pumps
EEZ H24005 – Bench Power Supply
EEZ H24005 is a power supply that provides features of middle and high range commercial devices.
OpenBCI – Open-source EEG
Open-source brain-computer interface (OpenBCI) is an affordable bio-sensing system that can sample electrical activity of human body such as brain (EEG), skeletal muscle (EMG) and heart (ECG) activity.
echOpen – Affordable Ultrasound Probe
echOpen: An open source ultrasound probe that can be connected to a smartphone, tablet or PC
Opencore NMR
OPENCORE NMR is an open-source toolkit for implementing an NMR spectrometer. This console has the size of a laptop computer, making it easy to transport. The cost of its parts is very low compared to the prize of commercial systems.
Current Driver for Local B0-Shim Coils
Low cost, open source, scalable, current feedback controlled coil driver circuit for matrix B0 shim coils and related applications.
NMR Relaxometry Platform
Low cost, open source hardware platform for use in NMR relaxometry experiments. The platform is capable of a wide variety of relaxometry experiments comprising many magnet, coil, and sample combinations.
COSI Measure
COSI Measure is an open source multipurpose 3-axis robotic system that allows submillimeter movements for applications such as static/dynamic field mapping, CNC machinery or 3D printing.