EPTlib is a C++ library collecting electric properties tomography methods. It includes a terminal application for a simple ready-to-use adoption of the implemented methods.
Alessandro Arduino¹
EPTlib is an ongoing project for an open-source extensible C++ library collecting implementations of magnetic resonance-based electric properties tomography (EPT) methods. It is freely distributed and includes a terminal application for a simple ready-to-use adoption of the implemented methods.
EPT is a magnetic resonance-based quantitative imaging technique that estimates non-invasively the distribution of the electric properties, conductivity and permittivity, in the human body at the Larmor frequency of the used magnetic resonance imaging scanner. In the literature, a plethora of different methods has been proposed implementing EPT. Most of them are based on the elaboration of the scanner transmit sensitivity, acquired with a B1-mapping technique, and transceive phase, acquired as the phase of complex images obtained with common MRI sequences.
Currently, EPTlib implements three stable methods:
- Helmholtz-EPT,
- convection-reaction-EPT
- gradient-EPT.
More information are available in the project website:
1Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Torino, Italy