An open-source 3d printed antenna set for MRI Faraday RF cages attenuation measurements.
Egor Kretov¹
Identify potential electro-magnetic noise leaking points on a Faraday cage
This project presents an open-source 3d printed antenna set for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Faraday RF cages attenuation measurements. It is also suitable for localizing breaches in cage walls and sources of external RF interference. The set consists of two symmetrical magnetic loop antennas, each of which is equipped with six matching boxes for different MRI operating frequencies. It should be noted that you will need a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) to build this project!
The setup is simple to use; The antennas could be employed with any type of 50 Ohm RF equipment to perform measurements. In the most common setting, antenna #1 is connected to the signal generator and antenna #2 is connected to the receiver (spectrum analyzer, SDR, etc.). The MRI scanner itself can also be employed as a signal source. In this case, one antenna would be sufficient.
1Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany