On 17th November 2023

Open BirdcageBuilder

Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Hardware design Software Open BirdcageBuilder NMRduinopyCoilGen Application Calculates first-pass capacitances to aid in construction and simulation of birdcage coils. Contributors Douglas Brantner1,2, Giuseppe Carluccio1,2, Chih-Liang Chin3, Christopher Collins1,2 Contact douglas.brantner@nyulangone.org Estimated cost Free Progress Beta 0.0.8, AGPL 3.0 License – Working, results validated against previous versions; need to update [...]
On 25th May 2018

Paris, Open Source Standards and Publications

Dear Open-Source friends, here are the latest news around the Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²), a collaborative effort towards open source research and the development of an open source MRI. Updates include Paris the city of love and open source, open source standards/hardware for RF coil developers…