OpenVnmrJ is the Open Source variant of the highly successful VnmrJ 4.2 acquisition and processing software that many Varian/Agilent NMR users are familiar with.
Michael Strain¹
OpenVnmrJ is the Open Source parts of VnmrJ 4.2
OpenVnmrJ offers the benefits of a state-of-the-art NMR acquisition and processing software, while maintaining the required flexibility to control auxiliary equipment such as the microwave source. The specific version of OpenVnmrJ and its functions to operate a single-board NMR spectrometer are released as Open Source to make it available to entire research community.
The software runs on Linux: Centos 6 and Ubuntu 14.02, Trusty Tahr are the currently targetted hosts. As a datastation, the software runs on OS X 10.09 to 10.11.
OpenVnmrJ is designed to be very extensible with:
- A rich set of macros, written in MAGICAL
- A very configurable interface, using XML assets
- A comprehensive library of pulse programs, written in C, usually with macros and XML files to ease setting up experiments and processing data
- All these are open sourced and can use help to maintain code, fix bugs, add new features, and improve the user experience for all uses of OpenVnmrJ.
1CAMCOR NMR Facility, University of Oregon, US