This GPA originated from a collaboration with Jason Stockmann (MGH Harvard). The device can drive up to 4 channels with max 10 A. It is controlled via a single SPI galvanically isolated connection that is also used to read information from the current sensors. Sample code for an Arduino is given that…
The spectrometer or software defined radio is capable of producing arbitrary shaped RF-pulses, un-/blanking the RFPA, recording acquired data and controlling a rotating
gradient field. Pulse length, amplitude, readout-length and –delay can be chosen freely.
The RFPA successfully amplied…
This modular system provides bias tees for first stage RF preamplifiers, second stage amplification, and programmable attenuation for use in MR scanners and other RF signal applications (at least up to several hundred MHz). Accommodates 32 channels and can be extended by daisy-chaining additional…
The scanner design is a low-cost resource for demonstrating concepts like magnetic resonance, spatial encoding, and the Fourier transform in an educational setting. A significant part of the system design is open-source.
Low cost, open source, scalable, current feedback controlled coil driver circuit for matrix B0 shim coils and related applications.