CoilGen – an Open Source MR Coil Layout Generator
An automated and flexible algorithm for rapid prototyping of new MR gradient and shim coil designs.
DeLINEATE: Deep Learning In Neuroimaging
A Python toolbox that aims to make it easier for psychologists and neuroscientists to do “deep learning” analyses on their neuroimaging data
B1 correction toolbox
AxonPacking: Simulator of White Axons Arrangement
Here is a new random disks packing algorithm for numerical simulation of the white matter (axons, myelin sheaths and extra axonal space).
Bilateral Breast Fusion Algorithms
The integrated models can be used for the study of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and thermal analysis in radio-frequency(RF) exposure. The following methodology has the potential to be applied on any patient-based whole-body breast models.
OpenICE – Medical device interoperability platform
OpenICE is an initiative to create a community implementation of an Integrated Clinical Environment. The initiative encompasses not only software implementation but also an architecture for a wider clinical ecosystem to enable new avenues of clinical research. OpenICE seeks to integrate an inclusive…
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer MRI Optimization Toolbox
This toolbox optimizes the acquisition protocols for spoiled gradient echo qMT sensitivity against noise and also sensitivity-regularization for robustness of a qMT parameter-of-interest.
Hybrid MRI‐Ultrasound scannerless real‐time imaging
This project proposes a hybrid system based on a single‐element ultrasound transducer and an MR scanner to help boost temporal resolution in real‐time MRI.
SequenceTree – Pulse sequence programming in a dynamic visual environment
A user friendly software environment for implementing MRI pulse sequences and, exporting them to actual MRI scanners.
TOPPE – Rapid MR pulse sequence prototyping
TOPPE is a simple, modular framework for rapid prototyping of pulse sequences on General Electric MRI scanners.
R-project – Statistical computing
R is a state-of-the-art statistical computing software with powerful graphic possibilities.
GNU Octave – Scientific programming language
GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations.
Open fMRI – Sharing brain MRI data is a project dedicated to the free and open sharing of raw MRI datasets.
ISMRMRD – Open MR data standard
The ISMRM Raw Data format is proposed as a common MR raw data format to promote collaborations and reproducible research by facilitating the sharing of data and data processing tools.
Pulseq – Open-source pulse sequences
Open Source framework for the development and hardware-independent execution of MR pulse sequences for imaging and spectroscopy. MRI sequences can be programmed in MATLAB and executed on real hardware.
gr-MRI: A Software Package for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Software-Defined Radios
gr-MRI is a software package using GNU Radio that enables the development of custom MRI spectrometers using off-the-shelf software-defined radios.