a Biot-Savart based versatile simulation software for industry, research, and education
The Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware (LIBRE_hub) is a training network for open source bioimaging hardware in Latin America with the goal to empower regional researchers through practical workshops, seminars, networking, and online resources adapted to local needs and re-published…
The Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware (LIBRE_hub) is a training network for open source bioimaging hardware in Latin America with the goal to empower regional researchers through practical workshops, seminars, networking, and online resources adapted to local needs and re-published…
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search On LIBRE_hub upcoming workshopOpen-Source MRI Scanner challenges MedTech conventions at Hannover Messe 2024LIBRE_hub upcoming online seminar The Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware (LIBRE_hub) is a training network for open source bioimaging hardware in Latin America with the goal to empower regional researchers through practical workshops, seminars, [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Other MagneticReadoutProcessing ScanHubNEXUS Console Application MagneticReadoutProcessing is a Python library that makes it possible to store and further process raw data from magnetometers. The focus is on the processing of point clouds, on which the points are located on a circular path around a magnetic object to be [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Simulations Reconstruction Image processing/visualization Lab software ScanHub UKF TractographyMagneticReadoutProcessing Application Open-source platform for MR acquisition control, data management and post-processing Contributors David Schote¹, Johannes Behrens¹, Christoph Dinh¹ Contact info@brain-link.de Estimated cost 0€ Progress under development GPL 3.0, BRAIN-LINK Commercial License Resources https://github.com/brain-link ScanHub is a cloud-based platform designed [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Hardware Coils Software Simulations pyCoilGen Open BirdcageBuilderUKF Tractography Application Python based tool for generating MR coil layouts. It generates a connected, non-overlapping wire path for a given surface mesh or meshes and target field. Contributors Kevin Meyer, Philipp Amrein¹ Contact kevin@belapena.com Estimated cost Free Progress Stable Resources https://github.com/kev-m/pyCoilGen https://pycoilgen.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Hardware design Software Open BirdcageBuilder NMRduinopyCoilGen Application Calculates first-pass capacitances to aid in construction and simulation of birdcage coils. Contributors Douglas Brantner1,2, Giuseppe Carluccio1,2, Chih-Liang Chin3, Christopher Collins1,2 Contact douglas.brantner@nyulangone.org Estimated cost Free Progress Beta 0.0.8, AGPL 3.0 License – Working, results validated against previous versions; need to update [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Image processing/visualization DL+DiReCT – Direct Cortical Thickness Estimation using Deep Learning-based Anatomy Segmentation and Cortex Parcellation Parallel transmission implant safety testbedNMRduino Application DL+DiReCT combines a deep learning-based neuroanatomy segmentation and cortex parcellation with a diffeomorphic registration technique to measure cortical thickness from T1-weighted magnetic resonance images. Contributors Michael [...]
Dafne (Deep Anatomical Federated Network) is a collaborative platform to annotate MRI images and train machine learning models
The Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware (LIBRE_hub) is a training network for open source bioimaging hardware in Latin America with the goal to empower regional researchers through practical workshops, seminars, networking, and online resources adapted to local needs and re-published…
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) a conference for the hacker community, open-source community, HAM Radio community, and everything in between is happening on July 22-24 (list of speakers here) at New York City . Doug Brantner, an MRI research engineer working on sensors, electronics, software, and simulations…
UKAT is a vendor agnostic framework for the analysis of quantitative renal MRI data.
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Simulations ROAST: Realistic vOlumetric-Approach-based Simulator for Transcranial electric stimulation Halbach MRI DesignerVirtual MRI Scanner Application A fully-automated, easy-to-use toolbox for simulating and optimizing transcranial electrical stimulation Contributors Yu (Andy) Huang1 Maximilian Nentwich2 Takfarinas Medani3 Dalton Bermudez4 June Kang5 Contact andypotatohy@gmail.com Estimated cost Free Progress Stable release v3.0 GPL-3.0 [...]
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Halbach MRI Designer MRI distortion phantomROAST: Realistic vOlumetric-Approach-based Simulator for Transcranial electric stimulation Application Create a Halbach MRI Magnet from parametric definitions Contributors Benjamin Menküc1, Lukas Winter2, Thomas O'Reilly3 Contact benjamin.menkuec@fh-dortmund.de Estimated cost Free Progress Stable release v0.2 Resources https://github.com/menkueclab/HalbachMRIDesigner This tool can create an OpenSCAD geometry of [...]
CoSimPy is a Python library designed to offer an interface between multi-port full-wave electromagnetic simulations and external circuitry analyses.
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Software Image processing/visualization AFNI (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) ThinWire – MRI Gradient Coil DesignHalbach array magnet for in vivo imaging Application Software for Analysis and Visualization of Functional Magnetic Resonance Neuroimages Contributors Robert Cox¹ Contact robertcox@mail.nih.gov Estimated cost Free Progress Software: released Resources https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/ AFNI (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) is [...]
MATLAB tool to design simple geometry gradient coils
A low‐cost multi‐channel software‐defined radio‐based NMR spectrometer and ultra‐affordable digital pulse programmer
Vespa allows users to design RF pulses, create spectral simulations and perform spectral data processing and analysis.
OpenVnmrJ is the Open Source variant of the highly successful VnmrJ 4.2 acquisition and processing software
Home OSI² e.V. News Projects Search Other hardware (non-MR) Software HealthyPi 3D SlicerOpenVnmrJ – Open Source variant of VnmrJ 4.2 Application An open-source, multi-parameter, full fledged human body vital sign monitoring HAT for Raspberry Pi as well as standalone use. Contributors Ashwin Whitchurch¹ Contact ashwin@protocentral.com Estimated cost Total price: 250$ Progress Hardware: released Software: released [...]
The Anser project provides an open-source implementation for electromagnetic tracking (EMT) with particular application to image-guided interventions. This work provides implementation schematics for an EMT system which relies on low-cost acquisition and demodulation techniques using both National…
An MR-Compatible force sensor composed of cheap, off-the shelf components.
A repository that contains many Matlab scripts used to design gradient MR coils.
The Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (MIRT) is a collection of open source algorithms for image reconstruction (and related imaging problems) written in Mathwork’s MATLAB language.