Wireless reference implant
MRI Cage Test Set
An open-source 3d printed antenna set for MRI Faraday RF cages attenuation measurements.
MRI distortion phantom
Modular phantom and corresponding software tools to measure distortion in MRI systems
MRI Compatible Wireless Sensors
Taking advantage of IoT technology, this project allows for use of a suite of wireless sensors that can be used inside of the MRI bore safely to capture more information about the patient in and out of the MRI scan.
Open ForceSense MR
An MR-Compatible force sensor composed of cheap, off-the shelf components.
PyPPM – A proton precession magnetometer
Hardware and software designs that enable performing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments using the Earth’s magnetic field.
Pneumatic Phantom for Mimicking Respiration-Induced MRI Artifacts
An MRI compatible phantom that simulates the respiration of a human subject in an automated way. A pressure probe is used in order to communicate in continuous time to Matlab the evolution of the respiratory cycle of the subject.
High Peak/Average Power TR-Switch for Thermal MR
A high‐performance Tx/Rx switch design is presented that supports high peak and high average power applications such as MR imaging, RF heating or thermal MR.